It does not have its own factories
The fact that interesting semiconductor companies operate here (Codasip, NXP, Tropic Square, Advacam, Meopta, Thermo Fisher, Renesas, STMicroelectronics and others) happened overwhelmingly in spite of the state, not thanks to itpetition for ARM or radiation chips.The Czech Republic succeeded in a billion-dollar European projectAlso readCompetition for ARM or radiation chips. The Czech Republic succeeded in a billion-dollar .Without Czech-led negotiations and the work of people like Jan Němec and others, the Chinese American Phone Number List Chips Act might still be lying in the bowels of Brussels. So we have the skills to engage in the field.Brno acceleratorsWe learn about Nvidia's intentions to invest in the old continent well in advance. The company will probably want to start a development center. , it has its chips manufactured mainly by TSMC in Taiwan, or by Samsung in South Korea.
The Czech Republic has a strong position in R&D and, for example, CzechInvest has shown that it can attract R&D centers of American companies. Among other things, thanks to the quality-price ratio of the local developers, but also to the quality of life and safety.We are somewhat interesting to Nvidia. This company is mainly known for graphics chips and accelerators for training artificial intelligence. AI has driven the company's value past a trillion dollars in recent months.