e. "I make my own website") are not allowed, nor those incurred at companies connected in some way to the company receiving the contribution. Submission of applications and Procedure for grant assignment : more information to look at right away! By when do I have to submit the application? And above all, is it a one-stop shop call , where the evaluation is done based on the chronological order of arrival of the applications, or is there a deadline after which all applications will be evaluated based on defined criteria? Award criteria, investigation and reporting : each call, whether open or closed, provides award criteria.
In a open call, it is important to verify that you have the minimum requirements to be included among the eligible projects, giving priority to the timing of the application submission. In the calls for proposals with a deadline, the competition is based shops 9177 on qualitative criteria (for example, the innovativeness of the proposal or the congruence of the expenses with the project) and quantitative criteria (for example, the increase in employment produced by the project). It is also important to check the times and methods of investigation and then those of reporting. It is not enough to be assigned a benefit.
You also have to cash it in! Beneficiary obligations : lastly, let's not forget to take a look at the obligations that the beneficiary of the benefit has after obtaining a contribution or financing. For example, if the benefit is provided by a Region, it could ask me to keep my office in its territory for at least 5 years. If the benefit concerns the hiring of staff, I could have to keep those people in the company for a minimum defined period of time. Why yes? Why no? It is important to consider public finance as a process accelerator.